Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Boys

Enough about project and onto life!  My mom has the next few weeks off and wanted to spend some alone time with each of the boys, so she took Joshua on Monday afternoon until late Wednesday (today).  Her blissful one on one time with my beautiful boy has been miserable.  On the way to her house on Monday he threw up, but she still wanted to keep him because she wanted the time with him (and it was good to try to separate the boys while he is sick).  Tuesday he did just fine, that was the calm before the storm.  My poor little boy woke up throwing up and hasn't been able to keep anything down today.  I want nothing more than to cuddle him and bring him home!!!  But I know that he is getting one on one attention with my mom and she is taking good care of him.  I'm hoping he will be over it by the time he comes home tomorrow morning, so that Elijah doesn't end up with it. 

As of this last weekend I had decided that Wednesday would be my last day of pumping and Elijah would then be 100% on formula.  I have weaned off pumping because last time it didn't work so well going cold turkey.  I have cut down to one pump session a day, first thing in the morning, and still produce 7-10oz.  Now that Joshua is sick I think it is in the best interest of Elijah that I keep pumping to try to get him the best antibodies possible.  I am so thankful that when I was pregnant with Joshua we bought a high quality electric pump by Medela.  It has been worth every penny and so much more, and I'm ecstatic it still works after being used for almost 18 months!  Every day I struggle with the battle to quit pumping, I made it a solid 7 months giving him just breastmilk and the last month in a half with 1/3 breastmilk and 2/3 formula.  Breastmilk is surely the best for him and it isn't hurting me to do one session a day, but I'm really really over pumping.  I'm tired of feeling like a cow attached to a pump 1-5 times a day.  However paying for formula when I am fully capable of being his milk source seems ridiculous.  Can't decide how to do the whole flu shot thing either, if I continued pumping and increased my supply again I could get the flu shot and he will get it through my milk, sparing him another shot!  Or I could just give him the shot on his own, after all he is 8 months and should do just fine with it.  Seems like there are a million reasons to keep pumping, and only my sanity begging to me stop.

My boys are amazing and I don't know what I would do without them.  Joshua is in the "terrible 2's" but honestly I am loving this stage.  He learns things so quickly and loves every minute of it.  And Elijah, well he is moving fast, crawling, babbling, and standing on EVERYTHING!!  Both boys are happy and bring so much light to everyday that I can't imagine a better place to be than home with them everyday!  Looking forward to Joshua coming home tomorrow, maybe my little tornado will cuddle since he isn't feeling so good. 

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